Steam Sauna (Bio Sauna)

The steam sauna, also known as the bio sauna, represents a milder form of sauna with temperatures ranging between 45 and 65 °C, which many consider ideal for relaxation. With a constant automatic supply of steam, the humidity level remains stable at 40-65%. This combination of moderate heat and humidity allows for longer stays, providing a pleasant feeling of warmth and relaxation. As in traditional saunas, the steam sauna contributes to a sense of freshness and skin cleanliness while simultaneously relaxing the body and mind, making it ideal for those seeking a gentler treatment.

The bio sauna is a perfect alternative for individuals who find the Finnish sauna too hot and steam baths too humid. This balance of temperature and humidity creates a comfortable environment for relaxation, and the addition of aromatic herbs or essential oils adds a special touch of luxury. Such an environment provides not only physical relaxation but also beneficial effects on the respiratory pathways, making the bio sauna a popular choice for enthusiasts of moderate sauna experiences.